
All living things are connected.

The word connection is defined as a relationship in which a person, thing, or idea is linked or associated with something else. A relationship in which a person is linked with something(someone) else. Hmm let’s think about that for a moment, how we as humans are linked together. It does not say how we love each other or like each other, or even hate each other, it simply says that we are linked. So our connections run far and wide. We do not just have a connection with our loved ones, we have a connection with our not so favorite relatives, casual friends, and even our co-workers. Why we even have a connection with the grocery store clerk and mail-person, we have connections with all living things. There is proven science of the positive growth impact humans talking to their plants have. Just hug a tree and feel the exchange of energy. We have connections all around us.

So why are we all feeling so disconnected? Right now we are living in a world where we are being told to stay home, self quarantine, social distance due to the swiftly spreading corona virus. So does that break or change our connections? When we are physically removed from that which we are connected, is the connection broken, or at least damaged?

I would consider myself an introvert with extrovert tendencies. I generally am quite content being alone to do my own thing, but I do enjoy the occasional soirée and social event, in factI need that, but having to be away from people thus far has not really been that much of a challenge for me. In addition there is this little thing we call the internet. The World Wide Web, a technological wonder that can literally connect us with anyone in the world. People are starting to embrace the tools of technology that have actually been at our fingertips for years but unnecessary to many, but now they are seeing the need or value of social media and video conferencing. The age of the Jetsons is upon us! The question that has often been posed is does this technological connecting breakdown the human connection?

In my opinion, this entire COVID19 pandemic is in fact repairing connections. It is fixing what has been slowly breaking for years, perhaps even decades. Personally speaking I have called my 88 year old mother more in the last 2 weeks than I have in probably the last 6 months, I have had daily texts with my siblings, and I am making a conscious effort to touch bases by phone with people that I know don’t have a large or close-by support system, or simply people that I care about. I see others reaching out to neighbors and strangers alike, checking to see if they need someone to pick up groceries or medicine, asking if they need to just talk on the phone. In addition I see people giving respect and appreciation to blue collar workers more than ever before because it is the blue collar workers that are essential personnel in this pandemic. They are the lifeblood keeping people supplied with the necessary goods and services to be able to stay home in order to try and get this virus under control. I also see people with a new appreciation and want to support their local mom-n-pop businesses, especially restaurants. As many businesses are being forced to close people are realizing that these small businesses are the livelihood of real people, neighbors and friends. I hope that realization and knowledge stays in people’s minds when this is all over.

As for higher connection, as is often the case in times of trouble, people turn to faith, and now is no exception. No matter what your belief system, our human need for spirituality tends to increase exponentially in times of trial. So yes, take time to pray to Allah, Buddha, God, Mother Earth, Sacred Spirit whomever your deity or higher power is. This is a good time to get back in the habit of prayer or meditation. Taking time on a daily basis to nourish ones spirit is as important as nourishing the body with food.

Lastly and certainly not least, we the human race are repairing our broken connection with Nature, Mother Earth and the Universe. We are taking walks and breathing in the fresh air, air that is actually becoming cleaner due to lack of all our vehicles not being on the road. Our pause is allowing Mother Earth to repair herself!! The news reports that the canals in Venice are running clearer than they have in decades, air pollution in China has decreased 40%. Dolphins are swimming in the Arabian Sea due to the decreased water traffic, countries are working cooperatively to find a cure.

So amid turmoil there is peace, people taking pause has caused reflection and perhaps a more thoughtful perspective. We now have the time to check in on a neighbor, call our elderly parents, write a letter or yes, Facebook live or Zoom with people. The point being, we are finally taking time to do what is important, connecting, be it with nature, humans, and ourselves. For me personally it has reinforced who and what are important in my life, my health(mind, body,spirit) and the people I love. Let this time reminded us to not take our time on this earth for granted.