My Rights

Photo by CDC from Pexels

I finally understand! What a revelation! I finally understand why people are complaining about their freedoms being taken away.
Over the past year or so there have been so many outraged at the freedoms that have been taken from us! The freedoms that our forefathers fought for, that they claim are being stripped away, before our very eyes, presumably by those damn people in that political office . . . see how I got around being political. 🙂 Our rights, DENIED – we can’t gather in groups, we must wear masks (how egregious), we are to only leave our homes for essential activity, we must follow health and safety protocols. 
The COVID-19 pandemic has cast a shadow on everyone’s life, worldwide and each country and state have handled it differently. Our rights to move freely about have been reduced for the good of humankind, and yet to many that was an invasion on their rights. Now in many countries there were full blown lockdowns, these were not recommendations, they were mandates punishable by police action and stiff fines. Lockdown meaning you were not to leave your house for anything other than excepted reasons, such as to get medicine or groceries, or to go to a crucial doctors’ appointment. Here in the USA, land of the free, we experienced less harsh restrictions, technically speaking. Our mandates varied by state, from do as you please because it is our god given right, to wear a mask when you go out, keep six foot distance and hey you really should not be going out, but we trust you are adult enough to figure it out. Big faux pas on our governments part on that one!
So to all the people who are upset about their rights and personal freedoms being violated by having to wear masks and not being able to have mass gatherings, and to those who have chosen to ignore the CDC recommendations, I have a question. What about MY rights? 
I have lived according to the advised guidelines. I wear my mask and wash my hands, for months I went to work while 90% of our staff was furloughed, so NO I did not get that extra $600 a week bonus. For over 9 months I did not set foot in a store or restaurant or basically anywhere outside of my job or home. I did my grocery order online and drove an extra 25 miles to a store that offered curbside contactless pick-up, because none of my regular local stores did. I stood, masked in the driveway 10’ away from my 89 year old mother to be able to at least talk to and see her. I am thankful I at least had that option as so many with loved ones in nursing’s home did not even get that. I gave up gathering with my family at the holidays. 
Even now, a year plus later from the beginning of this pandemic I continue to do little more than go to work, and an occasional trip to the grocery store for the essentials, still masked, going at times there are fewer people in the store, still using hand sanitizer after. I gave up dinners out, coffee dates, hugs with friends and loved ones, and vacations. We have resorted to drive-by birthdays and cocktail Zoom parties just to keep in touch with those we care about. Why do we do this, because we care about other human beings. I care that I could unknowingly bring the virus into my 89 year old diabetic mothers home that could kill her. I care that I could bring home the virus that could cause seve illness and pain to my chronically ill housemate. I care that if I were to take careless actions I could take this horrible virus into work and infect my co workers and all of their families. I care about other human beings.
I have followed all the rules, but still I end up in quarantine. Still I have to isolate from my chronically ill house mate and fear I may have unknowingly exposed her in the past 3 days. Still I have to fear for my own health. So what about MY rights? The ones that you are violating being careless, going to events and gatherings not wearing masks and keeping social distance. You obviously don’t care about someone’s grandparent or immune compromised spouse. You obviously don’t care about the wife and mother whose husband and child got sick and the stress she feels trying to care for her loved ones while tying to protect herself. You obviously don’t care about my loved one who is ill but alone because even ill he is concerned about my health and unwilling to let me come care for him in fear of my getting sick. What makes your rights any more important than mine? I guess the only difference is that I am making my choices because I respect and value the lives of other human beings, you make your choices because you are selfish and uncaring. Am I mad at you? You bet your ass I am, but don’t worry my anger will pass because I now realize the person you really are. Not the person I thought you were and certainly not a person I care to have in my circle but thank you. Thank you for helping me to understand why you are angry about your rights being taken away. I am angry too, at you.